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Is a DUI a Felony In Florida?

By Meldon Law |

DUI Felony Charge in Florida Like some other offense Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a crime that can be enhanced. Meaning that certain facts within an individual DUI case may make the charge more severe. For example, a first offense DUI is typically punishable by up to 180 days in the county jail… Read More

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What is a Downward Departure?

By Meldon Law |

When a person is charged with a felony offense in the State of Florida, that offense carries with it a number of points. These points are placed on a scoresheet, which takes into account the current charge or charges, prior history, victim injury points, whether a person was on probation if the defendant was… Read More

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Medical Transportation Liability

By Meldon Law |

Emergency Transportation Accidents According to reports, about 3.6 million adults miss or delay medical care due to issues with transportation. Not being able to safely get to and from medical appointments is a critical barrier for many elderly and disabled individuals. To combat this, businesses and insurers began to offer non-emergency medical transportation services…. Read More

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What is Battery?

By Meldon Law |

Battery is simply just the touching or striking of another person against their will. Now there are many different battery offenses based on enhancements for bodily harm, weapons, or prior convictions, however, the basic elements are essentially the same. This article is going to focus on Misdemeanor Battery offense, Battery Prior Offense, and Battery… Read More

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Florida DMV Hearing 101: How to Prepare

By Meldon Law |

Florida DMV Hearings In Florida, once an individual has been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), he or she faces a long list of potential penalties, including a lengthy driver’s license suspension. However, what is important to remember is that a driver can still fight to have this administrative suspension removed by requesting… Read More

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What Questions to Ask a Attorney About DUI

By Meldon Law |

The criminal justice system can move fast. In fact, it moves a lot faster than most civil lawsuits. That is why it’s so imperative to hire an attorney as quickly as possible if you have been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI). The court system takes DUI charges exceptionally seriously, and the penalties… Read More

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How to Request a DMV Hearing and How a Attorney Can Help

By Meldon Law |

Those individuals that are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs in Florida will need to address two separate issues. The first includes the suspension of your driver’s license, and the second is the legal case that will proceed in the courtroom. Once you have been arrested for either refusing… Read More

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What Does Discovery Mean?

By Meldon Law |

How Can Discovery Impact Your Case? Discovery is more than just a report or a statement, it is a process. Typically, after a person is arrested for an offense an attorney files a not guilty plea and then files a demand or notice of intent to participate in discovery. The filing of a demand… Read More

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What You Need to Know About Florida’s DUI Laws and Penalties

By Meldon Law |

Having one alcoholic drink too many, and then deciding to drive a motor vehicle can come with severe consequences. While under the influence of alcohol, the risks of getting into a motor vehicle collision increase exponentially. The consequences of causing an accident while driving after drinking can impact you and your family for the… Read More

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You Must Watch Me Before Administering a DUI Breath Test

By Meldon Law |

There are a couple different ways for a prosecutor to attempt to prove a person was driving under the influence. One way is to proceed under an impairment theory, arguing the person was impaired by alcohol or a controlled substance based on the field sobriety exercises or other interactions with law enforcement. Generally, this… Read More

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What Are Field Sobriety Tests

By Meldon Law |

Perhaps you’ve heard of field sobriety tests, which police often ask individuals to perform if the officers suspect that the individual is or has been driving under the influence of alcohol. However, do you know what these tests consist of? Do you know if they are an accurate way of determining alcohol impairment? Do… Read More

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How to Win a DMV DUI Hearing

By Meldon Law |

More than 5,000 confirmed crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers occur in Florida each year, resulting in thousands of injuries and hundreds of fatalities. Beyond the accident statistics, however, there are also serious consequences for those who have been accused of drinking and driving. If you’ve been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of… Read More

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How to Fight a DUI Without a Attorney

By Meldon Law |

(Answer: Don’t) According to the CDC, someone dies every 50 minutes because of impaired driving. Across the nation, driving under the influence causes approximately one out of every three traffic deaths. Statistics show that 28 percent of fatal crashes in December—around the holidays—involved impaired drivers. In Florida, 32,177 arrests for DUI took place in… Read More

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What To Do After an Arrest

By Meldon Law |

Top 8 Dos and Don’ts After an Arrest If you were arrested, it is important to know that just because you were arrested does not mean you are GUILTY. Any arrest is serious and could have lasting consequences, which why it is important to know your rights and to hire an experienced attorney who… Read More

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What to Expect at a DMV Hearing

By Meldon Law |

If you have been involved in an arrest for DUI in Florida, you may face a lengthy driver’s license suspension. It is commonly known that a DUI may result in criminal charges, but the associated DMV hearing may not be fully understood. Following a DUI arrest, a driver only has 10 days to apply… Read More

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How Much Does a DUI Attorney Cost?

By Meldon Law |

If you were arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI), you are not alone. In 2018, there were 32,177 DUI arrests in Florida, 108 of which were in Ocala, 172 in Gainesville, and 467 in Fort Lauderdale. DUI means driving when your normal faculties are impaired, or when you have blood alcohol… Read More

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The Importance of Having a Attorney at Your DMV Hearing

By Meldon Law |

Florida takes drinking and driving seriously. Anyone caught driving under the influence will face immediate and severe consequences. This can include fines, jail time, and the loss of your license. If you rely on your driver’s license to get you to and from work, a long-term suspension can have a serious effect on your… Read More

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Local Motorcycle Accidents Bring Home National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

By Meldon Law |

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month which stresses the importance of drivers of cars and trucks sharing the road with motorcycles and motorcycle safety. To bring this national initiative home, I am offering readers a review of some recent motorcycle tragedies that occurred on our area. As a local accident attorney, I ask that… Read More

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Punitive Damages in a Florida Auto Accident Case Explained by Local Attorney

By Meldon Law |

Do you know when an automobile accident victim may be awarded punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages? Punitive damages are often misunderstood. In this article accident attorney, Jeffrey Meldon, explains what they are, who pays, and when they may come into play in a car crash. What are Punitive Damages? Punitive damages may… Read More

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Hit And Run Accident – How To Avoid Being Charged With This Crime

By Meldon Law |

Do you know how to avoid being accused of the crime of leaving the scene of an accident? Experienced Florida accident attorney Jeffrey Meldon offers his guidance to help you be safe and legal in the event of a crash on the road. What is a “hit and run?” A “hit and run” happens… Read More

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Rear-End Collisions and Recovery of Damages in Florida

By Meldon Law |

Personal injury attorney, Jeffrey Meldon, discusses recovery of damages in rear-enders in Florida. Many people assume that they can recover all their damages when someone rear-ends their car. While it is true that in Florida there is a presumption that the driver who rear-ended another vehicle was the sole cause of the accident, the… Read More

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Auto Insurance Coverage: Laws, Recommendations, Factors And Tips For Florida Drivers.

By Meldon Law |

Gainesville Accident Attorney, Jeffrey Meldon’s Florida Insurance: Laws, Recommendations, Factors and Tips Having adequate insurance coverage is probably the most important thing you can do to protect yourself in the event of an accident. As a Florida car accident attorney for 37 years, day in and day out people are shocked when I have… Read More

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Bicyclists – Know The Law And Stay Alive

By Meldon Law |

As an experienced accident attorney, I have seen my share of tragic bicycle accidents-many of which could have been prevented. It is vital for motor vehicle operators, bicyclists, children, and parents of child cyclists to know the law about bicycles and save lives. Here is the information and laws that may just save your… Read More

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Primary And Secondary Offenses: Know Your Rights But Stay Safe!

By Meldon Law |

Knowing the difference between a primary and a secondary offense is important when it comes to the rights of a driver or a motorcyclist during a stop by a law enforcement officer and the reasons behind a stop. This article will define and discuss their differences. What is a primary offense? A primary offense… Read More

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Comparative Negligence is Explained and Discussed, Including Why It is an Important Part of Our Legal System for: Car, Motorcycle, Truck and Slip and Fall Accidents.

By Meldon Law |

Comparative Negligence 101: Comparative negligence is explained and discussed including why it is an important part of our Florida legal system today. Accident cases are often not black and white. Commonly there is more than one person at fault. There are some cases where one person is 100% at fault and the other person… Read More

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Classification of Crimes in Florida

By Meldon Law |

All crimes in Florida are classified into felonies and misdemeanors, here is a basic breakdown of them with their punishments and/or fines. A felony is the most serious crime, punishable by death or by more than one year in prison. Depending on the nature of the alleged crime, a felony may be governed by… Read More

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Know The Law: Rules For Driving With School Buses In Florida

By Meldon Law |

You see a school bus traveling toward you on the opposite side of the road. Do you stop when it stops? Does the median mean you do not have to stop? Do you keep going? Florida has strict and clear school bus safety rules. Under Florida Statute 316.172, when approaching a school bus that… Read More

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The Purpose, Process, Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in a Personal Injury/Accident Case in Florida

By Meldon Law |

Clients often ask, what is mediation? The intention of this article is to explain the purpose, process, advantages and disadvantages of mediation in a personal injury case, accident case in Florida. What is mediation? In short, mediation is an informal confidential, non-adversarial negotiation process that is used to resolve differences or disputes that is… Read More

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Possession of Cannabis

By Meldon Law |

Generally, speaking there are two different charges for possession of cannabis. One is possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis and the other is possession of more than 20 grams of cannabis. The major difference between the two is that possession of more than 20 grams is a felony of the third degree,… Read More

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Habitual Traffic Offenders

By Meldon Law |

A habitual traffic offender (HTO) is a person who has received either three driving while license suspended (DWLS) offenses in a period of five (5) years, these three driving while license suspended can either be all civil citations for driving while license suspended, all three can be criminal or it can be a combination… Read More

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