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When To Contact a Lawyer After a Car Accident in FL?

When To Contact a Lawyer After a Car Accident in FL

You should reach out to a Florida car accident lawyer for a free case evaluation as soon as your injuries allow. You may have a right to pursue fault-based compensation if you suffered serious injuries in the crash. However, there is a two-year deadline for doing so, as set by Florida law. You must act quickly to protect your rights.

Generally, those injured in Florida car accidents pursue compensation based on their own no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) auto insurance coverage. Some crash victims can seek additional types of damages through a fault-based case, though. Understanding your options could make a significant difference in the money you receive for the expenses and losses you suffered.

Should You Get a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Florida?

It is always a good idea to discuss your Florida car accident with a personal injury attorney who handles cases similar to yours regularly. Most injury firms provide free consultations for victims and their families.

If you qualify to pursue a fault-based auto insurance claim or lawsuit, you will want a knowledgeable accident attorney to manage your case, protect your rights, and pursue the money you and your family deserve. They can also sort through any complexities or challenges in your case and deal with any tactics the insurance company might use to try to reduce or deny your payout.

Having a personal injury lawyer on your side ensures you have someone who knows how the legal process works and how to navigate it with your best interests in mind. They will fight for the compensation you deserve while holding the at-fault driver legally responsible.

How Long After a Car Accident in Florida Can You Sue?

Generally, you have up to two years to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit based on a Florida car accident under Florida Statutes § 95.11.

While the statute of limitations only applies to a lawsuit, and the courts will likely bar any complaint filed after this date, it also affects settlement negotiations. Without the leverage of knowing you can sue and take the liable party to court, it will be more difficult to impossible to effectively negotiate a fair settlement from the insurance carrier or liable party, too.

Thankfully, most Florida car accident cases do not go to trial. However, some will require filing a lawsuit and adhering to the deadline set by the statute of limitations. This legal action could spur the insurance company into offering a more equitable settlement. It could also be the next step in taking the case to a jury trial.

Do Not Try to Manage Your Florida Car Accident Case on Your Own

While many crash victims recover compensation on their own through a PIP claim, those who are suffering from severe to catastrophic injuries with losses and medical bills exceeding their policy limits should contact an attorney to let them manage their claim.

There are several reasons why crash victims will likely have trouble if they attempt to handle their own fault-based car accident cases. These issues include:

You’re Dealing With Serious Injuries

Most crash victims who pursue a fault-based car accident claim in Florida are recovering from serious, potentially life-altering injuries. They usually have not made a full recovery, and many never will.

They are still undergoing treatment or rehabilitation, and some require ongoing healthcare care and domestic support. Healing must be their priority, not dealing with building a case and navigating the claims process.

You Lack the Resources

Law firms have time and money they can put into investigating your case and developing a strong argument for fair compensation. Most individuals do not have these resources to spend, especially following a serious injury crash. Law firms also have networks of experts that victims may only have access to through their attorney. This includes medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, and more.

You Lack Knowledge and Experience

A car accident lawyer knows how the personal injury claims process works, the necessary evidence to support a demand for compensation, and how to navigate a civil lawsuit. Most victims do not have the necessary knowledge to smoothly file a claim, build a case, and negotiate a fair settlement.

The Insurance Companies Are NOT on Your Side

Car crash victims generally assume the insurance adjusters managing their claims will work honestly and help them recover the money they deserve. However, this is not the case. The insurance company is not on your side and does not care about paying you fairly. They want to pay as little as possible to settle your case.

When you hire an attorney, you have someone on your side to fight for the money you deserve.

What Are the Recoverable Damages in a Florida Car Accident Case?

The recoverable damages in a fault-based car accident case will depend on your case. Generally, you can recover money for the expenses and losses you incurred as long as you can document them and show they occurred because of your crash.

Your recoverable damages could include:

  • Medical expenses for your accident injuries, complications, and ongoing care
  • Income losses because of your injuries and treatment
  • Long-term diminished earning ability based on lasting injuries
  • Related expenses with receipts and other documentation
  • Pain and suffering and other intangible damages

When you work with a Florida collision lawyer on a fault-based claim, they will help you identify your damages, including those that many victims might overlook when preparing an insurance claim on their own.

A no-fault claim allows those hurt in a collision to recover medical care costs, a percentage of lost wages, and other specific expenses up to the policy limits. A lawyer can help you navigate these claims, too. You should contact an attorney as soon as you run into any problems with your claim.

Talk to Our Florida Car Accident Team for Free Today

Contact us today for a free consultation from a Meldon Law team member. Our car accident attorneys can help you with your accident claim or personal injury lawsuit and fight for the money you need and deserve. Call now to get legal representation.

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