This library contains newsletters and articles that we at Meldon Law hope to be of help to you when dealing with accidents of all types, including serious injuries, DUI arrests, and other criminal charges. This library is intended to be a resource for public information and help Florida drivers to protect themselves. Remember, every case is unique and these articles do not intend to give or represent legal advice for any particular case.
Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions about your case. I also value your input and would like to hear from you about what topics YOU would like to have discussed here.
Local Motorcycle Accidents Bring Home National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month which stresses the importance of drivers of cars and trucks sharing the road with motorcycles and motorcycle safety. To bring this national initiative home, I am offering readers a review of some recent motorcycle tragedies that occurred on our area. As a local accident attorney, I ask that… Read More
Punitive Damages in a Florida Auto Accident Case Explained by Local Attorney
Do you know when an automobile accident victim may be awarded punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages? Punitive damages are often misunderstood. In this article accident attorney, Jeffrey Meldon, explains what they are, who pays, and when they may come into play in a car crash. What are Punitive Damages? Punitive damages may… Read More
Hit And Run Accident – How To Avoid Being Charged With This Crime
Do you know how to avoid being accused of the crime of leaving the scene of an accident? Experienced Florida accident attorney Jeffrey Meldon offers his guidance to help you be safe and legal in the event of a crash on the road. What is a “hit and run?” A “hit and run” happens… Read More
Rear-End Collisions and Recovery of Damages in Florida
Personal injury attorney, Jeffrey Meldon, discusses recovery of damages in rear-enders in Florida. Many people assume that they can recover all their damages when someone rear-ends their car. While it is true that in Florida there is a presumption that the driver who rear-ended another vehicle was the sole cause of the accident, the… Read More