This library contains newsletters and articles that we at Meldon Law hope to be of help to you when dealing with accidents of all types, including serious injuries, DUI arrests, and other criminal charges. This library is intended to be a resource for public information and help Florida drivers to protect themselves. Remember, every case is unique and these articles do not intend to give or represent legal advice for any particular case.
Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions about your case. I also value your input and would like to hear from you about what topics YOU would like to have discussed here.
Auto Insurance Coverage: Laws, Recommendations, Factors And Tips For Florida Drivers.
Gainesville Accident Attorney, Jeffrey Meldon’s Florida Insurance: Laws, Recommendations, Factors and Tips Having adequate insurance coverage is probably the most important thing you can do to protect yourself in the event of an accident. As a Florida car accident attorney for 37 years, day in and day out people are shocked when I have… Read More
Primary And Secondary Offenses: Know Your Rights But Stay Safe!
Knowing the difference between a primary and a secondary offense is important when it comes to the rights of a driver or a motorcyclist during a stop by a law enforcement officer and the reasons behind a stop. This article will define and discuss their differences. What is a primary offense? A primary offense… Read More
Comparative Negligence is Explained and Discussed, Including Why It is an Important Part of Our Legal System for: Car, Motorcycle, Truck and Slip and Fall Accidents.
Comparative Negligence 101: Comparative negligence is explained and discussed including why it is an important part of our Florida legal system today. Accident cases are often not black and white. Commonly there is more than one person at fault. There are some cases where one person is 100% at fault and the other person… Read More
Classification of Crimes in Florida
All crimes in Florida are classified into felonies and misdemeanors, here is a basic breakdown of them with their punishments and/or fines. A felony is the most serious crime, punishable by death or by more than one year in prison. Depending on the nature of the alleged crime, a felony may be governed by… Read More
Know The Law: Rules For Driving With School Buses In Florida
You see a school bus traveling toward you on the opposite side of the road. Do you stop when it stops? Does the median mean you do not have to stop? Do you keep going? Florida has strict and clear school bus safety rules. Under Florida Statute 316.172, when approaching a school bus that… Read More
The Purpose, Process, Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in a Personal Injury/Accident Case in Florida
Clients often ask, what is mediation? The intention of this article is to explain the purpose, process, advantages and disadvantages of mediation in a personal injury case, accident case in Florida. What is mediation? In short, mediation is an informal confidential, non-adversarial negotiation process that is used to resolve differences or disputes that is… Read More